Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Capital Punishment Should Not Be Abolished - 901 Words

The first death sentence was recorded in the United States was in 1608, and the person who was executed by firing squad was Captain George Kendall for allegedly being a spy for the Spanish government (â€Å"Capital Punishment in the United States†). Capital punishment is being debated all over the world whether it is murder or justice for the crime they have committed. Statistics show that murderers often kill again after releasement from prison. The Bureau of Justice gives relevant statistics pertaining to murderers who were released from prison: in 1994 40.7% of murderers were arrested for a new crime within three years of release (United States Department of Justice). Capital punishment should not be abolished because it is ethical to get rid of someone who does not value human life and that religious sources support the death penalty with extreme crimes. Furthermore, the chance of wrongful execution has diminished with the advancement of DNA testing and capital punishment is a deterrent for future criminals because it shows them that they will not get off easy. The Abolitionists often use the Ethical/Moral/Religious categories to argue against the death penalty. The arguments they use are usually along the lines that it is inhumane; however, the criminals put this burden upon themselves by taking another life. Furthermore, the heinous murderers do not feel remorse for what they did to their victims. If a murderer chooses to kill an innocent person, then he should get theShow MoreRelatedCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished965 Words   |  4 PagesHaesemeyer Advanced Studies English 9 7 April 2017 Capital Punishment Over the centuries, capital punishment has fallen in and out of public support. In several countries, the practice has been overruled by law. In others, it is simply not exercised. More than half of U.S. states still practice capital punishment for capital crimes. Often, innocent people are sentenced to death because of circumstantial evidence. Capital punishment should be abolished in all fifty U.S. states because of the severalRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Not Be Abolished1541 Words   |  7 Pagestime, if a person committed a severe crime, like murder or rape, they were executed to maintain peace in the community and to bring comfort to those who knew the victim. Capital punishment has been used in almost every part of the world, but in the last few decades many countries have abolished it. The issue of capital punishment has been a sensitive topic for nations attempting a careful balancing act between prisoner’s rights and legal defense teams and society’s la ws on cases of extreme gravityRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished1115 Words   |  5 Pagesjail time, house arrest, and/or having to pay fines. Crimes that are severe can lead to greater punishment, like spending life in prison. The most severe crimes can lead one to an equally severe punishment known as capital punishment. Capital punishment is the authorization to kill someone for the crime he or she has committed. Capital punishment, commonly referred to as the death penalty, should be abolished in all states because it can put innocent lives at risk, it costs millions of dollars each yearRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Not Be Abolished750 Words   |  3 PagesCapital Punishment Should Not be Abolished There are many reasons why the United States of America keeps capital punishment. These reasons include the deterrence theory, the idea of retribution, cost of prisons, and general safety of the public. First of all, I’m sure that you have heard of the deterrence theory. Deterrence is basically the fear of punishment; and even though it doesn’t prevent all crimes, the results are still undeniable. The deterrence theory is when criminals thinkRead MoreCapital Punishment Should be Abolished883 Words   |  4 Pages Capital punishment is the punishment of death for a crime given by the state. It is used for a variety of crimes such as murder, drug trafficking and treason. Many countries also have the death penalty for sexual crimes such as rape, incest and adultery. The lethal injection, the electric chair, hanging and stoning are all methods of execution used throughout the world. Capital punishment has been around since ancient times; it was used in ancient Rome, and one of the most famous people to be crucifiedRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished1137 Words   |  5 PagesThe case for capital punishment Topic: why capital punishment should continue General purpose: To argue Specific purpose: my main aim is to convince the audience that capital punishment should be upheld. In other, the advantages of capital punishment outweigh its disadvantages. Introduction Capital punishment is also known as death penalty and it has been in existence since time immemorial. Throughout history, the death penalty has been used to punish a number of crimes that include murderRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished1955 Words   |  8 Pagesit has become apparent that capital punishment should be abolished worldwide. Around the world, various countries continue to practice this brash, inhumane punishment. The legal system is intended to regulate citizen’s behaviour which aims to provide a smooth functioning society. When someone is sentenced to death, the legal system loses the â€Å"fair† aspect of the proceedings, as under no circumstances is the death penalty â€Å"fair†. Capital punishment should be abolished because it violates Section 12Read MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished1135 Words   |  5 Pagesname -unknown. Nobody should ever have to hear these words. Especially coming from their own state the one that is supposed to protect their rights no matter what. Capital punishment should be abolished from the United States. The number one goal of the constitution is to protect the life of an individual and the death penalty passes by this. The death penalty is an easy way out of the crime, it is expensive, philosophers and even psychologists disagree with capital punishment and most important itRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Be Abolished Essay1293 Words   |  6 PagesApproaching the topic of capital punishment is difficult when looking at society as a whole. In the opinion stated by my class group, capital punishment should be entirely abolished due to the possibility of mistakes while sentencing. This idea relies on the basis that capital punishment has absolutely no purpose or benefit. Members of my group mistakenly used a utilitarianist point of view to argue their case, even though this view can be stretched to fit almost any argument. This paper will exploreRead MoreCapital Punish ment Should Be Abolished1439 Words   |  6 Pagesto outlaw capital punishment in America completely. We are meant to be better and bigger than this then why do w still have this barbaric law in practice it is inhumane, morally wrong and expensive. In my paper I will try to cover the taboo topic of capital punishment and why it should be abolished because if we as a society want to grow and advance in a sophisticated society we must abolish the death penalty all across the land. To begin with I must explain what capital punishment really is and

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